Understanding LDS Food Storage Shelf Life: A Complete Guide

lds food storage shelf life

When it comes to being prepared for emergencies, having a reliable food storage system is crucial. One key aspect of food storage is understanding the shelf life of the items you are storing. In this comprehensive guide, I will walk you through everything you need to know about LDS food storage shelf life.

Properly packaged, low-moisture foods like wheat, white rice, and beans can last 30 years or more when stored in a cool, dry place. Recent studies have shown that these foods, along with others such as corn, sugar, pinto beans, and rolled oats, can remain nutritious and edible for an extended period. It’s important to store these items in the recommended packaging, such as PETE bottles, foil pouches, or plastic buckets, to preserve their quality and taste. Storing these long-term food items properly can help sustain life during emergencies.

Now let’s dive into the key takeaways:

Key Takeaways:

  • Properly packaged, low-moisture foods can last 30 years or more
  • Recommended packaging includes PETE bottles, foil pouches, or plastic buckets
  • Storing long-term food items properly is crucial for sustaining life during emergencies
  • Wheat, white rice, corn, sugar, pinto beans, and rolled oats are among the foods with long shelf lives
  • Preserving the quality and taste of stored food requires appropriate storage conditions

Foods Lasting 30 Years or More

Properly packaged, low-moisture foods stored at room temperature or cooler can last 30 years or more. Recent scientific studies have shown that certain foods can maintain their nutritional value and remain edible for an extended period. Some of these foods include wheat, white rice, corn, sugar, pinto beans, rolled oats, pasta, potato flakes, apple slices, non-fat powdered milk, and dehydrated carrots.

While there may be a decline in nutritional quality and taste over time, these long-lasting foods can still serve as a reliable source of sustenance during an emergency. It’s important to note that proper packaging, such as PETE bottles, foil pouches, or plastic buckets, is crucial for preserving the quality and taste of these food items.

By following the LDS food storage guidelines, which recommend storing low-moisture foods in a cool, dry place, you can ensure that these items remain available and nutritious for 30 years or more. Longer-term food storage is an essential aspect of emergency preparedness, providing peace of mind in times of uncertainty.

Long-Lasting Foods Shelf Life
Wheat 30 years or more
White Rice 30 years or more
Corn 30 years or more
Sugar 30 years or more
Pinto Beans 30 years or more
Rolled Oats 30 years or more
Pasta 30 years or more
Potato Flakes 30 years or more
Apple Slices 30 years or more
Non-Fat Powdered Milk 30 years or more
Dehydrated Carrots 30 years or more

Product Recommendations

When it comes to long-term food storage, it’s important to have the right products on hand to ensure your supply remains nutritious and edible. Here are some essential items to consider:

  • Wheat, White Rice, and Corn: These grains are excellent sources of carbohydrates and can provide energy in emergency situations.
  • Beans: High in protein and fiber, beans are an important addition to your food storage. They can be cooked and used in a variety of meals.
  • Sugar and Salt: These pantry staples are essential for adding flavor to your meals. They can also be used in baking and food preservation.
  • Nonfat Dry Milk: This powdered milk is a good source of calcium and can be rehydrated to use in recipes or as a beverage.
  • Cooking Oil: Having a supply of cooking oil is important for preparing meals and adding flavor to your dishes.

In addition to these items, consider including other essential ingredients such as baking soda and dehydrated fruits and vegetables to round out your food storage supply.

When storing your long-term food items, it’s crucial to use appropriate food storage containers to maintain their quality and prevent spoilage. Here are some recommended options:

  • PETE Bottles: These durable plastic bottles provide a reliable barrier against moisture and can be used to store grains, beans, and other dry goods.
  • Foil Pouches: Multilayer laminated foil pouches are great for storing low-moisture foods like beans, grains, and dried fruits. They offer protection against moisture and insects.
  • Plastic Buckets: Food-grade plastic buckets with airtight lids are ideal for storing larger quantities of food. They are suitable for grains, pasta, and other dry goods.

By using the right products and proper food storage containers, you can ensure the long-term viability and nutritional value of your stored food supply.

Packaging Recommendations

Proper food storage techniques are crucial for preserving the quality and shelf life of your emergency food supply. Choosing the right packaging is an essential part of this process. Recommended containers for longer-term food storage include foil pouches, PETE bottles, and plastic buckets. These containers, when used correctly, can help protect your food from spoilage, insects, and moisture.

One option for packaging dry, shelf-stable foods is foil pouches. These pouches, made of multilayer laminated plastic and aluminum, provide a barrier against moisture and insects. They are suitable for storing a variety of foods like dried beans, flours, grains, sugar, and dehydrated fruits and vegetables. Foil pouches are available in different sizes and can be easily sealed to maintain the freshness and quality of the stored food.

PETE bottles, also known as polyethylene terephthalate bottles, are another excellent choice for longer-term food storage. These bottles, when used with oxygen absorber packets, create an effective moisture and oxygen barrier. PETE bottles are suitable for storing dry products such as wheat, corn, beans, and rice. It is important to use PETE bottles with screw-on lids that have plastic or rubber seals to ensure an airtight seal and protect the food from external contaminants.

Plastic buckets are a popular option for storing larger quantities of food. When using plastic buckets for long-term food storage, it is crucial to select food-grade buckets that have not been used to store non-food items. These buckets should also be free from any dyes that are not food grade. Plastic buckets are ideal for storing items like hard wheat, beans, oats, corn, pasta, rice, sugar, and flour. It is important to label the buckets with the contents and date of packaging for easy identification.

To help you make an informed decision, the table below summarizes the packaging recommendations for longer-term food storage:

Packaging Type Recommended Foods
Foil Pouches Dried beans, flours, grains, sugar, dehydrated fruits and vegetables
PETE Bottles Wheat, corn, beans, rice
Plastic Buckets Hard wheat, beans, oats, corn, pasta, rice, sugar, flour

By following proper food storage techniques and utilizing the recommended packaging options, you can extend the shelf life of your emergency food supply and ensure that it remains safe and nutritious for an extended period of time.

Storage Conditions

Proper storage conditions are crucial for preserving the quality and shelf life of your food supply. Several factors can affect the longevity of stored food, including temperature, moisture, light, and pests. Here are some essential food storage tips to help you maintain optimal conditions:


Store your food products in a cool, dry place with temperatures of 75°F/24°C or lower. High temperatures can accelerate spoilage and decrease the nutritional value of the stored food. Avoid storing food in warm areas such as attics or garages.


Keep your storage area dry to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria. Moisture can also cause food to spoil faster and lose its nutritional value. Store your food in airtight containers, such as PETE bottles or foil pouches, to protect them from moisture.


Protect your food from light exposure, as it can degrade the quality of certain nutrients and cause fats to become rancid. Store food in opaque containers or in a dark place to minimize light exposure. This is especially important for products like cooking oil, which can be stored in PETE bottles.


Prevent infestations by keeping your storage area clean and free from pests. Seal your food containers tightly to prevent insects, rodents, and other pests from accessing your food supply. Consider using containers with secure lids and inspect them regularly for any signs of damage or intrusion.

By following these food storage tips and maintaining proper storage conditions, you can extend the shelf life of your stored food and ensure that it remains safe, nutritious, and ready to use in case of an emergency.

Dry Products for Longer-Term Food Storage

When it comes to long-term food storage, choosing the right dry products is crucial to ensure both safety and nutritional value. Certain dry products have a moisture content or oil content that makes them unsuitable for longer-term storage. It’s important to be aware of these considerations when building your emergency food supply.

Some dry products that are not suitable for longer-term storage include barley, dried meat (jerky), eggs, nuts, flour, whole wheat, rice, brown grains, granola, and dehydrated vegetables and fruits. These products either have a higher moisture content, contain oils that can go rancid over time, or may not retain their texture and taste when stored for extended periods.

By choosing dry products with a moisture content of about 10% or less, you can minimize the risk of botulism poisoning and ensure the longevity of your stored food. It’s advisable to opt for dry products that are specifically labeled for longer-term storage, as they are often processed and packaged to maintain their quality over time.

Table: Dry Products Suitable for Longer-Term Food Storage

Product Storage Suitability
Dry beans Suitable
Dried pasta Suitable
Macaroni Suitable
Spaghetti Suitable
Dried onions Suitable
Potato flakes Suitable

When storing dry products for longer-term food storage, ensure they are properly sealed in appropriate packaging, such as foil pouches, PETE bottles, or plastic buckets. With the right selection of dry products and proper storage techniques, you can maintain a well-stocked emergency food supply for extended periods.

PETE Bottles For Longer-Term Storage

PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles are a reliable and convenient option for storing dry food products with a long shelf life. When used properly, PETE bottles provide an effective moisture and oxygen barrier, helping to preserve the quality and taste of the stored food. To ensure optimal results, it is important to choose PETE bottles with screw-on lids that have plastic or rubber seals, ensuring an airtight seal. These bottles can be cleaned thoroughly before use and filled with your desired dry products.

When using PETE bottles for longer-term storage, it is essential to store them in a cool, dry location away from light. Exposure to light can degrade the quality of the stored food, leading to a decline in taste and nutritional value. Additionally, it is crucial to protect the PETE bottles from rodents and other pests that could contaminate the stored food.

By utilizing PETE bottles for your long-term food storage needs, you can have peace of mind knowing that your food supply is properly preserved and readily accessible in case of an emergency. These containers provide a practical and efficient solution for storing staple food items like wheat, corn, and beans, ensuring their long-term viability and nutritional value.

Food Item Recommended Bottle Size
Wheat 1-gallon (4-liter) bottle
Corn 2-gallon (8-liter) bottle
Beans 1-gallon (4-liter) bottle
Rice 1-gallon (4-liter) bottle
Flour 1-gallon (4-liter) bottle

Benefits of Using PETE Bottles:

  • Effective moisture and oxygen barrier to preserve food quality
  • Easy to clean and refill
  • Durable and long-lasting
  • Readily available and cost-effective
  • Transparent design for easy food identification

Oxygen Absorbers

When it comes to proper food storage techniques, oxygen absorbers play a crucial role. These small packets contain iron powder and are designed to protect dry foods from insect damage and preserve the quality of the stored products. By absorbing oxygen, they create an environment that inhibits the growth of microorganisms and prevents spoilage.

Using oxygen absorbers is simple. Just place the absorber packets in sealed containers along with the dry foods you want to store long-term. It’s essential to use containers that provide an effective barrier against moisture and oxygen, such as metal cans with seamed lids, foil pouches, PETE plastic bottles with airtight screw-on lids, or glass canning jars with metal lids and gaskets.

You can easily find oxygen absorbers at home storage centers, Church Distribution Services, or online retailers. When used correctly, these packets ensure that your stored food remains fresh, safe, and full of nutrients for an extended period.

Benefits of Using Oxygen Absorbers for Food Storage
1. Extended Shelf Life: Oxygen absorbers help extend the shelf life of your stored food by preventing spoilage and the growth of bacteria, mold, and insects.
2. Preserves Nutritional Quality: By reducing the presence of oxygen, these absorbers help maintain the nutritional value of your stored food, ensuring that you have access to essential nutrients in times of need.
3. Protects Against Moisture: Oxygen absorbers create a low-moisture environment, preventing the growth of microorganisms that thrive in high-moisture conditions. This protects your food from spoilage and degradation.

By incorporating oxygen absorbers into your food storage regimen, you can enhance the longevity and quality of your emergency food supply. With their ability to prevent oxygen-related spoilage and preserve nutritional content, these small packets are an indispensable tool for proper long-term food storage.

Freeze-Dried Food Storage: A Nutritious and Convenient Option

freeze-dried food storage

When it comes to long-term food storage, freeze-dried food is a popular choice for its extended shelf life and nutritional benefits. Freeze-drying is a preservation technique that removes moisture from food while preserving its taste, texture, and nutrients. This process involves freezing the food and then subjecting it to a vacuum environment, causing the frozen water to sublimate directly into vapor. The result is lightweight, compact, and shelf-stable food that can last for several years.

One of the advantages of freeze-dried food is its convenience. The lightweight nature of freeze-dried products makes them ideal for camping, backpacking, and emergency situations. These foods are easy to rehydrate by simply adding water, and they retain their original taste and texture after reconstitution. They also require no refrigeration, which makes them perfect for situations where electricity or refrigeration may not be available.

Freeze-dried food is available in a wide variety of options, including fruits, vegetables, meats, and even full meals. This allows individuals to create a well-rounded and nutritious food supply. Not only does freeze-dried food provide essential vitamins and minerals, but it also offers a good source of protein and fiber. It can be a smart choice for those looking to maintain a balanced diet during extended periods of food shortage or emergency situations.

When storing freeze-dried food, it is important to keep it in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Proper packaging is key to maintaining the long shelf life of these products. Foil pouches and airtight containers are commonly used to protect freeze-dried food from moisture and oxygen. By following these storage guidelines, individuals can ensure that their freeze-dried food remains fresh, nutritious, and ready to consume when needed.

Advantages of Freeze-Dried Food Storage Disadvantages of Freeze-Dried Food Storage
  • Extended shelf life
  • Retains taste and texture
  • Lightweight and compact
  • Requires no refrigeration
  • Convenient for on-the-go and emergency situations
  • Can be more expensive than traditional food
  • May contain added preservatives or flavor enhancers
  • Limited variety of fresh produce options
  • Requires access to clean water for rehydration

Long Term Food Storage Using Plastic Buckets

When it comes to long-term food storage, plastic buckets are a popular choice. They provide a durable and convenient option for storing essential food items. To ensure the effectiveness of plastic buckets for long-term storage, it’s important to follow proper guidelines and techniques.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to use food-grade plastic buckets. These buckets are specifically designed to safely store food items without any risk of contamination. Make sure the buckets have not been previously used to store non-food items and do not have any dye added to them that is not food grade.

Labeling the buckets with the contents and date of packaging is essential for easy identification and rotation. This helps to keep track of your stock and ensures that you are using the oldest items first. By maintaining proper rotation, you can prevent any food waste and ensure that your stored food remains fresh and of high quality.

Guidelines for Long-Term Food Storage Using Plastic Buckets
Use food-grade plastic buckets
Label the buckets with contents and date of packaging
Store buckets in a cool, dry location
Avoid exposure to light
Protect buckets from rodents and insects

Proper storage conditions are also key to maintaining the longevity of your food supply. Store the plastic buckets in a cool, dry location away from direct sunlight. Exposure to light can degrade the quality of food over time. Additionally, take precautions to protect the buckets from rodents and insects, as they can contaminate the stored food.

By following these guidelines for long-term food storage using plastic buckets, you can effectively preserve your food supply for extended periods. Plastic buckets can be a reliable and efficient option for storing essential food items, ensuring that you are prepared for any emergency situation that may arise.

Know the Right Storing Conditions for Your Food Supply

To ensure the longevity and quality of your long-term food storage, it is crucial to understand and implement the proper food storage techniques. Storing food in the right conditions can help maintain its nutritional value and edibility for an extended period of time. Here are some key factors to consider:


Storing your food supply in a cool, dry place is essential. Keep the temperature at 75°F/24°C or lower to prevent spoilage and maintain the quality of the stored food. High temperatures can accelerate the degradation process, leading to decreased nutritional value and taste.

Protection from Moisture, Light, Insects, and Rodents

Moisture, light, insects, and rodents can all compromise the quality and safety of your food supply. Make sure to store your food in airtight containers, such as PETE bottles, foil pouches, or plastic buckets, to protect it from moisture and pests. Keep your storage area clean, dry, and well-sealed to prevent infestations and maintain the integrity of your food.

Proper Food Storage Containers

Choose the right food storage containers for your long-term storage needs. PETE bottles, foil pouches, and plastic buckets are all suitable options. These containers provide a barrier against moisture and oxygen, preserving the quality and shelf life of the stored food. Use appropriate lids and seals to ensure an airtight environment that prevents spoilage.

By following these storing conditions, you can prolong the shelf life of your long-term food storage and ensure that it remains safe, nutritious, and edible when you need it most.


Building and maintaining an emergency food supply is crucial for long-term preparedness. By following the guidelines for LDS food storage shelf life, you can ensure that your food remains safe and nutritious, ready to sustain you during times of need.

Remember to store foods with a long shelf life, such as wheat, rice, beans, and other low-moisture products, in appropriate packaging like PETE bottles, foil pouches, or plastic buckets. These containers, when used with oxygen absorbers, create a barrier against moisture and insects, preserving the quality and taste of your stored food.

To maximize the shelf life of your food supply, be sure to store it in cool, dry conditions, away from light and protected from rodents and insects. Regularly check the storing conditions and replenish or rotate your supplies as needed to maintain freshness and quality. By implementing these food storage tips, you can have peace of mind knowing that your emergency food supply is reliable and ready to sustain you whenever the need arises.

Remember, proper planning and preparation are key to ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of your emergency food supply. By taking the time to understand the guidelines and implementing the right practices, you can be well-prepared for any emergency that may come your way.


What foods can last 30 years or more in long-term storage?

Properly packaged, low-moisture foods like wheat, white rice, corn, sugar, pinto beans, rolled oats, pasta, potato flakes, apple slices, non-fat powdered milk, and dehydrated carrots can last 30 years or more when stored in a cool, dry place.

How should I store these long-term food items?

It is recommended to store these items in appropriate packaging such as PETE bottles, foil pouches, or plastic buckets to preserve their quality and taste.

Foil pouches, PETE bottles, and plastic buckets are recommended containers for longer-term food storage.

How do oxygen absorbers work?

Oxygen absorbers are small packets that contain iron powder and help protect dry foods from insect damage and preserve product quality. They absorb oxygen and should be used with containers that provide an effective barrier against moisture and oxygen.

What are foil pouches suitable for storing?

Foil pouches made of multilayer laminated plastic and aluminum are suitable for storing dry, shelf-stable foods with low moisture and oil content, such as dried beans, flours, grains, sugar, apple slices, carrots, macaroni, spaghetti, onions, and potato flakes.

Can I use plastic buckets for long-term food storage?

Yes, food-grade plastic buckets are a popular choice for long-term food storage. They are suitable for storing hard wheat, beans, oats, corn, pasta, rice, sugar, and flour.

Food should be stored in a cool, dry place at temperatures of 75°F/24°C or lower. It should be protected from moisture, light, insects, and rodents.

What dry products are not suitable for longer-term storage?

Dry products such as barley, pearled, dried meat (jerky), eggs, nuts, flour, whole wheat, rice, brown, grains, milled (other than rolled oats), sugar, brown, granola, and dehydrated vegetables and fruits are not suitable for longer-term storage due to their moisture content, oils, or other concerns.

How do PETE bottles help with longer-term food storage?

PETE bottles, when used with oxygen absorbers, provide an effective moisture and oxygen barrier to preserve the quality of the stored food. They should be cleaned thoroughly before use and filled with the desired dry products.

Where can I purchase oxygen absorbers and foil pouches?

Oxygen absorbers and foil pouches can be purchased from home storage centers, Church Distribution Services, or online.

How can I ensure the quality and shelf life of my food supply?

It’s important to store food in the right conditions, including a cool, dry place, protecting it from moisture, light, insects, and rodents, and using proper food storage containers. By following these practices, you can ensure that your food supply remains safe, nutritious, and edible for an extended period.

🍞 Hello! I'm Emma, your go-to expert for all things related to long-term food storage and preservation. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your techniques, feel free to ask me anything about food storage and preservation🍞